
Our Pledge to ESG Excellence

At Innovo Renewables we are devoted to ESG excellence

It is a key component of our mission to promote sustainable and inclusive growth for our clients, partners, and colleagues.

By adhering to ESG standards, we are able to expand in a sustainable manner, while also having a positive impact on our employees, the environment, and the communities where we operate.

Innovo's supporting initiatives


  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Advocate for recycling
  • Enforce environmental policies
  • Promote energy-saving practices
  • Preserve land
  • Embrace CSR standards (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  • Headquartered in a LEED Gold certified building

Innovo's supporting initiatives


  • Promote Diversity & Inclusion policies
  • Eliminate wage gaps
  • Promote Health & Safety at work
  • Defend human rights
  • Protect Data Privacy
  • Build community relations
  • Promote employee engagement

Innovo's supporting initiatives


  • Ensure equal representation on the Board
  • Combat bribery and corruption
  • Implement transparent and accountable processes

United nations sustainable development goals

Agenda 2030

At Innovo Renewables, we strongly believe that businesses play a crucial role in promoting peace and prosperity for all, both today and in the future.

Our initiatives are dedicated to advancing several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were established by 193 United Nations member states.

Un sustainable development goals

Innovo's pledge

Un sustainable development goals

Goal 7

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Innovo's pledge

Helping the climate transaction through the development and construction of renewable energy plants.

Un sustainable development goals

Goal 13

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Innovo's pledge

Advocate for a low-carbon economy, implement sustainable operations by reducing water use, minimizing waste, ensuring ethical supply chains, and regularly report on the company’s carbon footprint and sustainability progress.

Un sustainable development goals

Goal 15

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Innovo's pledge

Reduce our impact on biodiversity by strategically structuring our projects based on strict environmental standards and an Agri-PV framework.

Partnership with Sopowerful Foundation

Our Impact

Established in 2019, Sopowerful Foundation is dedicated to harnessing solar energy to make a significant impact where it is needed most: in places where ‘normal’ power supply is absent or weak, particularly in rural areas of Southeast Africa.
The Foundation’s mission is ‘solar where it matters most’, which is put in practice by installing solar power systems that support critical sectors such as healthcare, education, and access to water, thereby creating and enhancing opportunities and contributing to the SDG’s 2, 3, 4 and 6.

Innovo, through iCube, the joint venture with Iberdrola, is proud to support Sopowerful’s mission. We contribute with financial donations and by dedicating our technical and administrative teams to the Foundation’s efforts.
This collaboration ensures that Sopowerful can leverage cutting-edge technology and administrative expertise to maximise its impact and reach more people in need. By working together, we aim to promote sustainable development and improve the quality of life in the least privileged communities.